Thursday, November 1, 2012

Leibster Award

So recently I was nominated for a Liebster Award.  A 'Liebster Award' is an award for bloggers with 200 or less followers. I was nominated for this award by for which I would like to say THANKS! :) 

All you have to do is 
  • List 11 random facts about yourself
  • Answer the 11 questions asked by the person that nominated you
  • Choose 11 blogs that have 200 or fewer blogs to nominate (dont forget to tell them)
  • Make 11 questions for the people you are nominating
  • Link the blog of the person that nominated you in your post and thank them!

So first, 11 random facts about myself:
     1.  I have an A&P license to work on airplanes.
     2.  I honestly don't know what shade of blonde/brown my hair actually is because I've been dying it since middle school.
     3.  I cut my nails religiously. The feeling of dirt underneath my fingernails makes me cringe.
     4.  I have a white 2008 Scion TC which I am completely in love with.
     5.  I probably get excited about watching horror/gory movies more than your average girl.
     6.  I eat chocolate sauce with my bread when I go to Outback. Try it, it's AMAZING.
     7.  I have a 1 1/2 yr. old cat named Dexter Morgan, yes after the show Dexter. 
     8.  I'm a peanut butter - NO JELLY - type of girl. 
     9.  I can talk like Stitch off of Lilo & Stitch. 
    10.  Sadly, I hate cooking. I would live off of tv dinners & fast food if it weren't for my bf.
    11. Halloween is my all time favorite holiday. I get ridiculous with decorations every year!

The questions I was asked and my answers!
  1. Do you prefer MAC or Benefit?   -Probably MAC. Only because I've never heard of the other. 
  2. What is your favourite drugstore makeup brand? -I'm not really sure. I'm really cheap when it comes to makeup and I always seem to be trying different brands. 
  3. What are your career plans? - I actually have just recently landed a job at an aviation pilot school. As of right now I'm an assistant / A&P mechanic. I plan to get my pilot's license in the near future! 
  4. What skin-type do you have? -My skin sucks. It's a mix of oily & dry. :(
  5. Do you have any siblings? - I have 2 older half sisters, Jamie & Rayann. 
  6. Why did you begin to start blogging? - After following many other blogs and actually starting to develop my own style, I thought WHY NOT?! :)
  7. Who is your most watched Beauty Guru on Youtube? -I honestly don't really follow anyone in particular. I stumble upon a video every now and then.
  8. What is your star sign? -Gemini. And it fits my personality VERY well. 
  9. Do you cleanse, tone & moisturize? -Unfortunately, no. Maybe that's why my skin sucks so bad. Lately I just use an astringent to take my makeup off before I shower. Every now and then I'll clean with a face wash. 
  10. What is your favourite 'beauty tip'? -CONTOUR! It makes a whole lot of difference! 
  11. What do you enjoy most about blogging? -I enjoy it mostly because it's a place I can express my interests & passions freely without fear of judgement. It's a place where I can share myself and meet others with the same interests.

11 blogs I nominate for a Liebster award.... 

My questions to answer:

1. What made you decide to start blogging?
2. What is your favorite holiday?
3. Where do you do most of your clothing shopping?
4. What is your go-to on a budget store?
5. If you had to pick, would you rather wear heels or flats for the rest of your life?
6. What is your favorite fall item?
7. What is your favorite beauty / makeup item?
8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
9. If you could go anywhere for vacation where would you go? Why?
10. MAC or PC?
11. Who is someone that has inspired you? 

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions! 

Monday, October 8, 2012

My addiction continues..

First off, I'm going to start off with a little back story:

Early last week my sister Jamie (the one who introduced me to Pinterest) invited me to be her date at a wedding this coming Friday. Of course it isn't until a week later at 2 am when it hit me, I have NO idea what I am going to wear. DUN DUN DUNNNN! To be honest I haven't really been to many weddings and I never seem to know what to wear. So I hopped on Pinterest in search for "wedding attire". I don't think I searched through more than 30 or so ideas then BOOM fashion cupid hit me   
    straight through the heart with his stinkin love arrow. There were instant fireworks!

     Introducing the PIN that caught my eye / heart / all the above...

Without thinking, I instantly clicked the pin to open it up to see if the dress was available for purchase. As you can see from clicking the above picture, the pin opens up to a fashion site with the link listed to the clothing website, Ax Paris. Not only did I find out it was available, it is on sale! *shock face* Instantly, I knew it was coming home to me! Now I have honestly never shopped from this store before, nor have I even heard of this website until now. (This is why I am a HUGE fan of Pinterest.) After adding the dress to my shopping bag, I browsed the website further and was really impressed with the selection and pricing of everything.  If you don't already know about Ax Paris, here's a little info about the company quoted from the site:

"AX Paris USA ( is a branch of AX PARIS, a boutique brand based in the UK.  AX Paris USA brings the trends of Europe to the US. Are you tired of going out and finding someone else with the exact same outfit? If you’re looking for a new-look, a sexy look that nobody else has then you’re at the right place. We offer the latest in women’s fashion from the high-streets of London at a price you can afford."

In conclusion, I am sure I will be purchasing from Ax Paris in the near future!! Once again, thanks Pinterest! I am one very happy girl. Let's just hope it fits!  ^_^

PS. Here's a direct link to the dress for those who are interested...

Ax Paris - Animal Print Chiffon Cream Dress - $24.99

(PSS. Ending note: I haven't mentioned it before, but as you can see from this post, I AM COMPLETELY IN LOVE WITH LEOPARD / CHEETAH PRINT. My obsession is honestly a little ridiculous. But so be it!)


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My clothes are here.. FINALLY!

First off, I apologize for NOT posting last week.. Forever 21 was apparently changing warehouses so my order was delayed - well beyond what I had hoped. In the midst of waiting for my clothes, I have been going on job interviews for some potentially great jobs! (Although they, unfortunately, aren't in fashion *sad face*). Please cross your fingers for me, I could really use all the help I can get. I seem to be finding all the WRONG jobs these past few months.

Anywho, as promised, here's the 3 amazing shirts that I purchased along with other items I added to make a semi-complete outfit :)

1. Peter Pan Lace Shirt  - $17.80 - Forever 21
2. Mint pants - $24.99 - Macys
3. Turquoise Heart Necklace - $7.00 - Ebay

1. Fringe Cowl Sweater - $22.50 - Forever 21 (No longer available - Similar here)
2. Riding boots - $75.00 - Jessica Simpson (Ebay steal - Same as here)
3. Leggings - (Similar here, here, and here)

1. Studded Denim Shirt $22.80 - Forever 21 
2. Leggings - (see link in previous picture)
3. Riding Boots - Jessica Simpson (see link in previous picture)

Obviously I couldn't wait to wear my studded shirt. ^_^ 

So there you go! I hope you enjoyed this post. I will surely be doing more of them soon as all I seem to do with my free time is search for more clothes to buy! Please feel free to comment on my blog with any tips, advice, or questions! See you all soon! xoxo

Sunday, September 23, 2012

So it begins!

So this is me, Christea.. a 23 year old from New Orleans who has recently fell in love with fashion and everything it has to offer. I am also an aspiring singer (but I'll work on telling that story in another post). It's been almost a year that I was introduced to Pinterest from my amazing sister, Jamie. Maybe I would have stumbled upon my immense love for fashion & crafting EVENTUALLY, but I have to say it has opened up a side of me I never knew. After reading many blogs and I mean MANY, I have decided to create my own little world. So here's to you Pinterest, for helping me discover myself! *THUMBS UP*

In addition to fashion, I have recently been introduced and fell in love with jewelry making (you can only guess how! *see above paragraph*). So, I decided I would put my creations out there for the world. Surprisingly, after the first week I sold out of my turqouise! Although I have not been able to restock, as I am transitioning into moving and searching for a new job, I will be making more things very soon. If you're interested have a peak at my etsy store - NOLAchicc

I hope everyone is having a great weekend! I'll be sure to post this week when my awesome purchases from Forever 21 arrive!   YAY!  xoxo -TEA